Info-paedia : Melting Himalayan Glaciers

Info-paedia : Melting Himalayan Glaciers

Why in News?

  • Recently, record high temperatures led to hastened melting of Shisper Glacier, creating a glacial lake burst.


  • The largest number of glaciers outside the Earth’s poles.
  • Source of many rivers who are the lifeline of millions.
  • Large economic and ecological value.


  • Himalayan glaciers have shrunk by 40 % in the last 5-7 centuries.
  • IPCC’s 4th Assessment Report predicted glaciers’ melt by 2035.
  • Stable glaciers of Karakoram Range are melting faster than ever.
  • At least 30-60% glaciers will vanish by the end of 21st century.


  • Rapid Himalayan atmospheric warming.
  • Local topography and other factors.
  • Impact of Monsoon on rainfall and snowfall.
  • Glaciers terminating in lakes melt faster (warm water).


  • Over a billion will face hazards of food and water security.
  • Adverse Impact on safety of hydropower industry.
  • Large scale migrations from river floodplains to cities.
  • Increased Landslides and glacial lake outburst floods.


  • Role of black carbon in accelerating melting.
  • No data on permafrost, role in slope stability.
  • Few weather stations and glaciologists.
  • Lack of data sharing among countries (political issues).

Way Ahead

  • Invest in research infrastructure.
  • Increase cross border cooperation and data sharing.
  • Invest in human resources and field data collection.