Info-paedia : Remote Voting Facility for NRIs

Info-paedia : Remote Voting Facility for NRIs

Why in News?

  • Recently, the Government of India told the Supreme Court that it was considering the remote voting facility for Non Resident Indians (NRIs).

About Remote Voting

  • A voting mechanism that allows electors to vote from locations other than polling stations assigned, even abroad.
  • In India, voting rights for NRIs were introduced in 2011 with amending the Representation of People Act, 1950.
  • But the Section 20A of RPA, 1950 mandates NRI voters to present physically to cast their votes.

Other Voting Mechanisms in India

  • Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot:
    • Ballot paper is transmitted through Electronic Means to the service voters.
    • It is for personnel of armed forces, police, government employees abroad and people under preventive detention.
    • Even President and Vice President are also allowed this voting.
  • Proxy Voting:
    • Voting by a delegate of a registered voter; introduced in 2003.
    • It is only for "Classified service voters" i.e. personnel of armed forces, BSF, BRO, CRPF etc. can delegate their votes.


  • Universalization of Democratic rights.
  • n line with the spirit of Article 326 of the constitution.
  • Democracy gets strengthened.


  • Implementation and administrative challenges.
  • Free and transparent voting will be hampered.
  • Violates the secrecy of the ballot.