Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS) Scheme : Daily Current Affairs

GS2: Disaster and Disaster management ; conservation , Environment Degradation

Keywords: climate change , weather Forecast, Monsoon , Environmental Impact Assessment , water management

Why in the News?

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs gave its approval for continuation of the umbrella scheme "Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS)" along with its eight sub-schemes to the next finance cycle of five years i.e. 2021-2026 at an estimated cost of Rs.2,135 crore.


1.ACROSS scheme pertains to the atmospheric science programs of Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)

2.The schemes related to observe different aspects of weather and climate. Each of these aspects is incorporated as eight sub-schemes.

3.The scheme is being implemented by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) through its units namely- India Meteorological Department (IMD), National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF); Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS).

Implementation Strategy and Target Each institute has a designated role for accomplishing the above tasks through the following eight schemes:

1. Commissioning of Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radars-IMD

2. Up gradation of Forecast System-IMD

3. Weather & Climate Services-IMD

4. Atmospheric Observations Network-IMD

5. Numerical Modelling of Weather and Climate -NCMRWF


7. Monsoon Convection, Clouds and Climate Change (MC4)- IITM/NCMRWF/IMD

8. High Performance Computing System (HPCS)-IITM/NCMRWF

Impact of the scheme

1. Provide improved weather, climate, ocean forecast services

2. Provide End-user services like Public weather service, Agro-meteorological Services, Aviation services

3. Provide environmental monitoring services, Hydro-meteorological services and climate services for efficient Environmental Impact Assessment

4. Enhance tourism, pilgrimage through timely forecast

5. Stimulate power generation, water management, Sports & adventure

6. Generate significant employment opportunities


1.Rising temperature and the risk associated with climate change has necessarily demanded an efficient and effective Forecast mechanism.

2. Such mechanism will helps in improving Agriculture Meteorological services, Aviation services etc

3. ACROSS will also ensure effective Disaster Management and Disaster response

4. Also stimulate adaptation and mitigation measures of National Action Plan on Climate Change(NAPCC)

Prelims Question:

Q. The term' ACROSS' was in the news related to :

A. Banking reform proposed by RBI.

B. A new global alliance to combat marine pollution.

C. A satellite launched by NASA to measure atmospheric GHG concentration.

D. A initiative for efficient and effective climate-weather research modelling.

Mains Question:

Q. Keeping in mind the findings of 6th assessment of IPCC report. Discuss how ACROSS scheme enhanced the India's preparation against climate change and global warming. (15 marks)

Sources 1. PIB

             2. MoES official site