COVID Performance Index : Daily Current Affairs

COVID Performance Index

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COVID performance Index was released by Lowy Institute, an Australian think-tank that covered 98 countries in 36 weeks based on six parameters.


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world economy. The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating.

The Index reveals that New Zealand topped the list whereas Brazil was lowest in the rank. India was at 86th among 98 countries that were ranked in the index. Second, third, fourth and fifth ranks were availed by Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand and Cyprus. The US was at the 94th position that was adversely hit. Britain had highest number of death among European countries raking it to 66th position.

Among the South Asian countries Sri Lanka topped the list however in the index it was at 10th position in handling the COVID pandemic outbreak. These countries had fewer reported cases and deaths both in aggregate and per capita terms.

The report revealed that societies that were having small population, close –knitted, and had efficient institutions performed well in dealing with the pandemic.

China was not included in the ranking as its data was not publicly available.

The report was based on 6 indicators that included confirmed cases, confirmed cases per million people, confirmed deaths, confirmed deaths per million people, confirmed cases as a proportion of tests, and tests per thousand people.

The report was released on 28th January when the central government said it has successfully controlled COVID-19 infections as a fifth of its districts had not accounted a single new case for a week.

India has as yet reported 1.07 crore infections and 1,53,847 deaths – one of the world’s lowest death rates from the disease, credited partially to its younger population. Countries that were having population of 100 million or more faced much difficulty in controlling the pandemic. The report stated that urban areas those were densely populated proved to be early incubators of coronavirus.

In India, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai were worst hit. All three cities also reported numerous deaths as well as take on the claim of underreporting fatalities.

The future of our environment and tackle climate change and environmental degradation with ambition and urgency needs a rethinking. Only then can we protect the health, livelihoods, food security and nutrition of all people, and ensure that our ‘new normal’ is a better one.