Digitization of Land Records in India : Daily News Analysis

Date : 04/08/2023

Relevance : GS Paper 3: Economy- Land resource

Keywords: National Land Record Modernization Programme (NLRMP), Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), SEZ, Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN)


Land holds immense significance for India, serving as a primary resource for more than 50% of its working population engaged in agriculture. To develop a modern, comprehensive, and transparent land record management system, the government revamped the National Land Record Modernization Programme (NLRMP) in 2016, giving rise to the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP).

The Significance of Land in India

  • Source of Livelihood: Land plays a vital role in sustaining livelihoods as agriculture remains a primary occupation for a significant portion of the population. Additionally, the land is used for forestry, mining, and other activities that generate income and employment opportunities.
  • Economic Value: Land is a valuable asset that can attract investments, promote industrialization, and boost overall economic growth. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are an example of land-based initiatives that aim to create hyper-liberalized enclaves for export-oriented production. Moreover, land can also generate long-term capital gains when transferred under specific conditions and exemptions.
  • Natural Resources: Land encompasses various natural resources, including minerals, water, and forests, which are crucial for supporting human industry and commerce.
  • Culture and Identity: Land can hold significant cultural and social value, becoming a source of identity and belonging for people. It may be associated with a particular culture, or community, and can play a role in religious and spiritual practices.

Need for Digitization of Land Records in India

  • Reduce Litigation: Land-related disputes account for a large proportion of pending court cases in India, resulting in long resolution times and high costs. A comprehensive and transparent land record management system can reduce the scope and frequency of such disputes by providing clear and secure ownership rights backed by the government.
  • Improve Transparency: Land records in India often suffer from inaccuracies, outdated information, and fragmentation across different departments and levels of government. A comprehensive and transparent land record management system can enhance the quality and accessibility of land records by digitizing and linking them to spatial data and other databases like Aadhaar, tax records, etc.
  • Promote Development: A robust land record management system creates a conducive environment for land markets and transactions by reducing transaction costs, risks, and uncertainties. This, in turn, attracts investment, promotes industrialization, and fosters growth in various sectors, including agriculture, infrastructure, and housing.
  • Ensure Equity: A comprehensive and transparent land record management system supports the implementation of land reforms aimed at redistributing land among the landless and marginalized sections of society. Moreover, it empowers women and other vulnerable groups by recognizing and protecting their land rights and enhancing their access to land-related services.

Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP)

  • Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN): The DILRMP assigns a 14-digit alphanumeric ULPIN or Bhu-Aadhaar number to each land parcel based on geo-coordinates. This serves as a pan-India number for obtaining ownership details, size, and geolocation of a plot.
  • National Generic Document Registration System (NGDRS): Developed to address diversity prevailing across states with regard to the registration of deeds and documents, NGDRS aims to streamline the process and ensure uniformity.
  • Transliteration of Records: The DILRMP transliterates the Records of Rights into all 22 scheduled languages mentioned in the Constitution. This addresses the problem of linguistic barriers in land governance, making land records more accessible and understandable for citizens.
  • Enhanced Services: In addition to modernizing land records, the DILRMP facilitates various citizen services such as providing caste, income, and domicile certificates. It also offers online information on crop profiles, crop insurance, and e-linkages to credit facilities and banks.
  • Arbitration and Dispute Resolution: A comprehensive land record management system helps resolve long-pending arbitration cases and boundary-related disputes amicably, reducing the burden on the judiciary and administration.

Benefits of DILRMP (Digitization of Land Records)

  • Improved Quality and Accessibility: DILRMP's digitization efforts ensure that land records are accurate, reliable, and transparent. Online availability of records reduces errors, inconsistencies, and gaps, enhancing accessibility for citizens.
  • Reduced Litigation and Frauds: The implementation of a conclusive land-titling system with title guarantees protects landowners from challenges and disputes by other claimants. This measure significantly reduces the frequency of land-related litigations and frauds.
  • Promoting Development and Growth: A comprehensive land record management system, by creating a favorable environment for land markets and transactions, attracts investments, promotes industrialization, and fosters growth in various sectors.
  • Equity and Empowerment: The DILRMP supports land reforms, ensuring equitable distribution of land among the landless and marginalized sections of society. Recognizing women's land rights and enhancing their access to land-related services empowers them and improves their livelihoods and social status.

Challenges Associated with Land Record Digitization

  • Lack of Coordination among States: Land being a state subject, the success of DILRMP depends on cooperation and willingness from state governments. However, some states may face challenges in adopting the program due to political, administrative, legal, or technical constraints.
  • Inadequate Resources and Capacity: The successful implementation of DILRMP requires significant financial, human, and technical resources and capacity. Shortage of funds, staff, equipment, and infrastructure at various levels may hinder progress.
  • Lack of Awareness and Participation: Effective implementation of DILRMP necessitates the active involvement and participation of stakeholders directly impacted by the changes in land records. However, a lack of awareness and sensitization among these stakeholders can hinder their participation.

The Way Forward

  • Enhancing Coordination: Central and state governments should collaborate closely, harmonizing land laws, policies, procedures, and systems. They must also share best practices and experiences to streamline the implementation of DILRMP.
  • Ensuring Transparency: Strict actions against sabotage or manipulation, transparent land survey, digitization, verification, and titling processes, and the establishment of grievance redressal mechanisms will maintain trust and accountability in the system.
  • Allocating Adequate Resources: Sufficient financial allocations for DILRMP, recruitment of qualified staff, provision of necessary infrastructure, and training and capacity building are essential to successfully implement the program.
  • Creating Awareness and Participation: Awareness campaigns to inform and sensitize stakeholders about the benefits and procedures of DILRMP, addressing their concerns, and encouraging their active participation will be critical to the program's success.


The digitization of land records through the DILRMP holds immense potential to transform land governance in India. It offers numerous advantages, such as reducing litigation, improving transparency, promoting development, and ensuring equity and empowerment. By addressing the associated challenges and adopting a collaborative approach, India can harness the power of digitization to establish a modern, transparent, and efficient land record management system, benefiting millions of citizens across the country.

Probable Questions for UPSC main exam-

  1. Discuss the significance of India's DILRMP in reducing land disputes, promoting economic growth, and ensuring equitable land rights. Analyze the challenges faced in its implementation and suggest measures to overcome them. (10Marks,150 Words)
  2. Explain the benefits of digitizing land records through DILRMP, focusing on economic growth, empowerment of marginalized sections, and sustainable land use. Evaluate the role of coordination between central and state governments and propose strategies to enhance stakeholder participation and awareness. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source : PIB