Empowering India's Youth: The Urgent Call for Comprehensive Sexuality Education : Daily News Analysis

Date : 29/08/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 1 – Society – Social Infrastructure


Context –

  • In a society grappling with distressing incidents of child abuse and sexual assault, the significance of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) cannot be overstated. India's pressing need to protect its youth and equip them with the knowledge to understand their bodies, relationships, and consent is evident from recent events.
  • As we confront the sobering reality of child abuse cases, the concept of CSE gains urgency as a curriculum-based approach to teaching the cognitive, emotional, physical, and social aspects of sexuality.

The Current Landscape and Challenges:

  • Recent incidents have brought to light the alarming state of child abuse in India. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) recorded a staggering 51,863 cases under The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act in 2021, with 64% of them involving sexual assault.
  • Addressing this deeply concerning issue necessitates an effective solution that not only addresses the immediate crisis but also tackles the root causes. This is where Comprehensive Sexuality Education steps in.
  • However, the adoption of CSE in India has not been without challenges. Certain sections of society, as well as some State governments, have exhibited reluctance and resistance to implementing comprehensive sexuality education.
  • Concerns over sexualizing children and diverging from traditional values have led to the watering down or withdrawal of existing programs.
  • This approach, rooted in preserving societal norms, inadvertently perpetuates a cycle of misinformation and inhibits young individuals from making informed decisions about their sexual health.

Understanding Consent and the Need for Education:

  • Amid these challenges, understanding sexual consent emerges as a cornerstone of comprehensive sexuality education. Consent is not only about preventing violation and abuse but also about nurturing healthy relationships.
  • In the context of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) cases, various High Courts, including the Madras, Delhi, and Meghalaya High Courts, have highlighted the criminalization of consensual adolescent relationships. This, in turn, has led to calls for reconsidering the age of consent.
  • Despite these legal discussions, the alarming reality remains that many Indian teenagers and young adults lack awareness of what sexual consent entails.
  • This gap is highlighted by a study conducted by the dating app Tinder, revealing that over 64% of young Mumbaikars struggle with giving, asking for, or withdrawing consent in the context of dating.
  • Addressing this gap necessitates not just a linguistic understanding but a cultural shift in how consent is perceived and practiced.

About POCSO Act

POCSO Act was enacted by the Parliament in 2012 to prevent children aged less than 18 from offences like sexual harassment, sexual assault, and child pornography. Its full form is the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. The Act was passed in 2012 under the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A Path to Empowerment:

  • Comprehensive sexuality education encompasses more than just legal frameworks; it embraces holistic well-being, dignity, and gender norms.
  • The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) asserts that access to CSE is a fundamental human right that empowers young people to protect their health and dignity.
  • The UN's global guidance recommends initiating comprehensive sexuality education as early as five years of age, integrating vital lessons about bodies, emotions, consent, and strategies for addressing violence and abuse.
  • Studies underscore the far-reaching impact of comprehensive sexuality education. Informed young individuals are more likely to engage in sexual activity responsibly and have a better understanding of their rights and sexuality.
  • Programs built solely on abstinence, on the other hand, have proven to be ineffective in achieving these outcomes.

About United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Established in 1968, this international development agency was formed with the purpose of providing assistance for the implementation of initiatives related to population, sexual, and reproductive health. Its core mission centers around creating a world where each pregnancy is desired, childbirth is safe, and the potential of every young individual is realized. In 1987, its name was officially changed to the United Nations Population Fund; however, the original acronym UNFPA (United Nations Fund for Population Activities) remained unchanged. The headquarters of this organization is located in New York.

While it doesn't have a direct role in primary data collection, it holds a significant position in offering technical and financial support for statistical endeavors within countries. This includes activities such as conducting population censuses and specialized surveys.

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence and Inequality:

  • The potential of comprehensive sexuality education extends to addressing pervasive issues like intimate partner violence and gender inequality.
  • The UNFPA's Operational Guidance underscores the importance of incorporating monitoring and evaluation components in CSE programs, considering aspects such as inequality, gender norms, and power dynamics in intimate relationships.
  • By integrating these crucial elements, CSE becomes a tool to reshape societal norms and promote healthier relationships.

Challenges and the Road Ahead:

  • Implementing effective CSE is not without its challenges. Building the capacity of educators to deliver accurate and non-judgmental information is critical.
  • Reports also highlight the lack of knowledge among teachers in discussing diverse topics within existing programs.

Case Study-

A case study from Jharkhand demonstrates the successful mainstreaming of a school-based program, Udaan, which began as an Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health initiative and was later integrated into the Education Department.

The Role of State Governments:

  • In India, the responsibility for sexual education lies with State governments, affording them the flexibility to develop creative curricula within the framework suggested by the UNFPA.
  • As the custodians of the education system, State governments hold the power to shape the future by prioritizing comprehensive sexuality education.


Comprehensive Sexuality Education stands as a beacon of hope in the fight against child abuse and sexual assault. By embracing CSE, India can empower its youth with knowledge, understanding, and skills to make informed decisions about their sexual health, relationships, and consent. As we move forward, it is imperative that the gap between legal frameworks and holistic education is bridged, enabling young individuals to navigate their sexual lives responsibly and contribute positively to society.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam –

  1. How can Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) address the challenges of child abuse and sexual assault in India? Discuss the resistance to CSE implementation, its potential benefits, and its role in reshaping societal norms. (10 marks, 150 words)
  2. Analyze the significance of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in empowering youth to understand consent and make informed decisions. Highlight challenges in implementing CSE and suggest ways to bridge the gap between legal frameworks and comprehensive education. (15 marks, 250 words)

Source – The Hindu