Food Security Schemes and Diet Diversification : Daily News Analysis

Date : 9/12/2023

Relevance: GS Paper3- Economy - Food security

Keywords: Protein Consumption, Diet Diversification, Public Distribution System (PDS), Millets Integration, Fortification Initiatives


  • India's persistent challenges with malnutrition, particularly among children, underscore the urgency for a paradigm shift in policymaking.
  • Here we look into the intricate relationship between food security, diet diversification, and nutritional outcomes.
  • Recognizing that nearly one in three Indian children are stunted and underweight, the discussion emphasizes the need for a long-term solution to address this critical issue.

The Imperative of Diet Diversification for Nutrient-Dense Food:

Addressing widespread malnutrition necessitates a focus on the availability of nutrient-dense foods in the Indian food basket. With alarming statistics revealing high levels of stunting and underweight children, diet diversification emerges as a crucial strategy. Introducing a variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and pulses, can play a pivotal role in providing essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients, thereby mitigating deficiencies contributing to malnutrition.

The Protein Deficiency Challenge:

  • India's average protein consumption of 47 grams per day ranks the lowest among Asian and developed countries.
  • To address this deficiency, incorporating protein-rich sources like pulses, legumes, dairy, and lean meats is essential.
  • Enhancing the quality of protein intake becomes paramount for supporting growth and overall health.
  • Additionally, fortifying food with micronutrients emerges as a beneficial strategy, particularly for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and young children.

Long-Term Health Benefits of Diet Diversification:

  • Beyond immediate nutritional outcomes, diet diversification offers long-term health benefits by reducing the risk of diet-related diseases and enhancing community resilience to health challenges.
  • Fortifying food rations with essential micronutrients like iron, vitamin A, and zinc becomes crucial in combating specific nutritional deficiencies.
  • However, the success of such strategies depends on considering regional and cultural dietary preferences to ensure acceptability and adherence.

Public Distribution System (PDS) and Diversification:

The Public Distribution System (PDS) in India, primarily providing wheat and rice, serves as a critical platform for diet diversification. Recognizing its potential, the government has introduced millets in the PDS and promotes organic farming to enhance production and consumption. However, challenges such as uneven adoption of millets, procurement delays, and low shelf life hinder widespread acceptance.

Millets in PDS and Challenges:

  • While millets have been integrated into the PDS, their implementation varies across states. Some states prefer rice and wheat, leading to low adoption of millets.
  • Addressing this requires raising awareness about the benefits of millets and overcoming challenges related to procurement delays and shelf-life concerns.

Fortification Initiatives Through PDS:

  • The government's plan to implement rice fortification through PDS, ICDS, PM POSHAN/Mid Day Meal Scheme, and other welfare schemes by 2024 is a positive step.
  • Fortification, as defined by FSSAI, aims to improve the nutritional quality of staple meals by increasing the content of essential micronutrients. However, uniform implementation and addressing challenges are critical for success.

Encouraging Consumption Through Nutrition Gardens and School Initiatives:

Promoting the consumption of pulses, legumes, and locally sourced produce becomes integral to diet diversification. Initiatives like the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, which provided free food grains during the pandemic, demonstrate the government's commitment. Additionally, nutrition/community gardens and school kitchen gardens offer scalable models to enhance dietary diversity.

Nutrition Gardens for Dietary Diversity:

  • Nutrition gardens, particularly at Anganwadi centers and schools, contribute to dietary diversity by providing a continuous supply of fruits and vegetables.
  • These gardens, developed in convergence with horticulture departments, can play a crucial role in improving the nutritional intake of children and pregnant or lactating women.

School Initiatives and Kitchen Gardens:

  • The Ministry of Human Resource Development's guidelines for school (nutrition) kitchen gardens aim to develop children's skills and awareness of nutritious food choices.
  • Examples from government schools in Odisha, Jharkhand, and Karnataka highlight the successful integration of kitchen gardens into the educational system.
  • Moreover, the nutritional benefits of local and indigenous foods in North Eastern states emphasize the role of regional diversity in diet diversification.

Fostering Agricultural Diversity for Sustainable Food Security:

To achieve food security and improved nutritional status, a comprehensive approach involves both production and consumption diversity.

Agricultural Diversity for Sustainable Agriculture:

  • Agricultural research and development programs focusing on crop diversification contribute to a more varied food supply.
  • The cultivation of a wide range of crops with diverse nutritional profiles not only promotes sustainable agriculture but also ensures a continuous and varied food source for communities.

The Role of Awareness and Market Interventions:

  • While fortification and supplementation have their place, a food-based approach to dietary diversity emerges as a preferred course of action.
  • Raising awareness and educating the population about the importance of a varied and balanced diet are crucial components.
  • Market interventions, such as farmers' markets facilitating the direct sale of diverse fresh produce, play a vital role in encouraging consumers to incorporate a variety of foods into their diets.


Revitalizing India's nutrition landscape requires a multifaceted approach that integrates diet diversification, fortification initiatives, agricultural diversity, and awareness campaigns. Policymakers must prioritize long-term solutions over quick fixes, considering regional diversity, cultural preferences, and the specific nutritional needs of different demographic groups. By embracing these comprehensive strategies, India can address its nutrition challenges, ensuring a healthier and more resilient population.

Probable Questions for UPSC mains Exam-

  1. How can adding protein-rich sources like pulses, legumes, dairy, and lean meats address India's low protein consumption and contribute to overall health improvement? Provide examples. (10 Marks,150 words)
  2. Discuss the role of the Public Distribution System (PDS) in diet diversification, focusing on challenges in integrating millets. Highlight the potential benefits of fortification initiatives and outline measures for uniform implementation in the government's plan. (15 Marks,250 words)

Source- The Hindu