G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration : Daily News Analysis

Date : 11/09/2023

Relevance: GS Paper 2 - International Relations - International Grouping and Its Impact on India

Keywords: India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEE EC), China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Global Biofuels Alliance, Global South, Africa Union


The G20 Summit held in New Delhi marked a significant diplomatic achievement with the culmination of the G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration. This detailed analysis dissects the declaration, shedding light on key aspects, including the role played by India and the critical issues that were addressed.

India and G20 Countries: Lessons and Learnings

Negotiating the Ukraine-Russia Conflict

  • Balancing Act: The declaration demonstrated a nuanced approach to the Ukraine-Russia conflict by dedicating seven comprehensive paragraphs to the issue. This represents a notable departure from the previous Bali Declaration, which merely featured two paragraphs.
  • Language of Consensus: In an attempt to strike a balance, the declaration refrains from explicitly condemning Russia for its actions or characterizing them as aggression. Instead, it employs diplomatic language that aims to build consensus.
  • Core Principles: Emphasis is placed on key principles, such as the unequivocal rejection of territorial conquest, the imperative to uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and the pursuit of a just and enduring peace in Ukraine.
  • Relevance for the Future: Beyond addressing the current conflict, the declaration's language lays the groundwork for addressing similar conflicts in the future. It underscores the importance of refraining from using force to acquire territory.

India's Diplomatic Influence

  • India emerged as a pivotal player in shaping the declaration. It demonstrated exceptional diplomatic acumen by bringing nations together, assimilating diverse viewpoints, and crafting compromise proposals. This cemented India's reputation as a diplomatic heavyweight on the global stage.

Comprehensive Deliverables

  • Structured Approach: Departing from the conventional paragraph structure, the G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration adopts a distinct format. It commences with a preamble, followed by ten thematic chapters, culminating in a succinct conclusion.
  • Chapter Highlights: Each chapter addresses a specific thematic area. The first chapter, "Strong, Sustainable, Balanced, and Inclusive Growth," delves into global economic conditions, financial inclusion, and anti-corruption measures. Subsequent chapters encompass subjects such as sustainable development goals, pandemic response mechanisms, green development, reforming multilateral institutions, technological transformation, digital infrastructure, and gender equality.

Key Achievements:

  • Reforms within international financial institutions and marks the first-time agreement on reforming the UN Security Council within the G20. Additionally, it commits to enhancing cyber education and awareness, promoting gender equality, and strengthening measures to counter terrorism and money laundering.
  • Comprehensive Declaration: The final declaration consisted of 83 paragraphs, including eight dedicated to "geopolitical issues." These paragraphs covered diverse topics such as climate action, financing mechanisms, fossil fuel phaseout, debt restructuring, the biofuel alliance, health, digital infrastructure, and cryptocurrency regulation.

Seamless Sea-Rail Corridor: India to Europe via West Asia

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently unveiled an ambitious project at the annual Group of 20 Leaders' Summit in New Delhi. The project, officially known as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEE EC), aims to establish a connectivity corridor spanning from India to Europe via West Asia.
  • Often likened to a modern-day Spice Route, this corridor seeks to revive historical trade routes and establish new ones, fostering economic cooperation between Asia, West Asia/Middle East, and Europe.
  • This initiative envisions leveraging railway tracks and shipping corridors to create physical links across a vast expanse of the Eurasian subcontinent.It encompasses connectivity and infrastructure development across India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Israel, and the European Union.
  • It not only enhances digital connectivity but also catalyzes trade among countries, particularly focusing on energy products like green hydrogen.
  • Additionally, the IMEE EC presents an ideological alternative to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
  • The IMEE EC aligns with India's initiatives like "Make in India," "Sagarmala," and "Atma-nirbhar Bharat." It is expected to enhance infrastructure, logistics, and transportation capacities, promoting self-reliance.
  • The IMEE EC aligns with the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment (PGII), a US-led initiative. It aims to drive high-quality infrastructure financing in low- and middle-income countries, enhancing economic development.

Initiatives to Promote Clean Energy

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Global Biofuels Alliance at the G-20 Summit, urging member nations to target a global ethanol blending with petrol of 20%.
  • The main focus is to advocate for the blending of ethanol with petrol at a global scale, with a target of reaching 20% ethanol blending worldwide.
  • The founding members of the alliance include Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Italy, Mauritius, South Africa, the UAE, and the U.S. Additionally, Canada and Singapore participate as observer countries.
  • Modi proposed the G-20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation and called for the commencement of work on the Green Credit Initiative during the G-20 Summit session on "One Earth."
  • He highlighted the significance of energy transition in the 21st century to address climate change challenges and emphasized the role of developed countries in providing financial support for this transition.
  • Developed countries expressed their commitment to providing $100 billion for climate finance, a positive step towards supporting climate action.
  • African Union Inclusion: India's presidency played a pivotal role in the inclusion of the African Union in the G-20 fold. This decision tilts the balance within the G-20, shifting from the Power-11, comprising G7, EU, Russia, and China, to the Developing-10, which includes countries like India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and the African Union.
  • Global South Initiative: India's emphasis on the "Voice of the Global South" brought more than 125 developing countries into the conversation. This was achieved through a "feeder conference" in January 2023, where the concerns of the developing world were included in the New Delhi Leaders' Declaration.
  • Democratization of G-20: India's effort to make the G-20 more inclusive and democratic was evident in the summit's unique approach. Over 1,00,000 delegates from over 125 countries participated in about 200 meetings across more than 60 Indian cities, underscoring the political message of the "People's G-20."
  • Promotion of Diversity: The declaration underscores the commitment to promoting respect for religious and cultural diversity while firmly condemning acts of religious hatred, including those directed at religious symbols and holy texts.

Looking to the Future

  • Strong Commitment: The G20 Summit displayed a robust commitment to future presidencies, with Brazil slated to assume the presidency in 2024, followed by South Africa in 2025, and the United States in 2026.
  • Acknowledging Engagement Groups: The Summit acknowledged and welcomed recommendations from a multitude of Engagement Groups and Initiatives. This approach underscores the importance of inclusivity and the significance of incorporating diverse perspectives into decision-making.
  • People-Centric Diplomacy: The G20 Summit's unique approach of conducting over 200 meetings across 60 cities in India exemplifies people-centric diplomacy. It brings the G20 closer to the global populace, fostering greater transparency and public engagement.


The G-20 Summit in New Delhi stands as a significant milestone for global cooperation, marked by the remarkable New Delhi Declaration and India's influential presidency. India's efforts to make the G-20 more inclusive, represent the Global South, and engage the global populace demonstrate a commitment to a more equitable and prosperous world. While the absence of key leaders is noteworthy, the summit's outcomes reflect a win-win situation for all parties involved, setting a positive tone for future cooperation.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains exam

  1. How did India's diplomatic influence shape the G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration, and what were some of the key issues addressed in the declaration? (10 Marks,150 Words)
  2. What is the significance of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEE EC), and how does it relate to India's initiatives like "Make in India," "Sagarmala," and "Atma-nirbhar Bharat"? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source - The Hindu/ The Indian Express