India-France Ties: Strengthening a Longstanding Strategic Partnership : Daily News Analysis

Date : 15/07/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 2 - International Relations

Keywords – Strategic partnership, Military to military engagement, Green hydrogen, sustainable value chain

Context –

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is attending the Bastille Day celebrations in Paris as the guest of honor, marking 25 years of India's oldest strategic partnership. The visit holds significant importance for the bilateral relationship between India and France.

India France Relations Historical Aspect

  • In the 17th century, Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb had a French physician named François Bernier.
  • The French were the last colonial power to enter into trade with India. It was only in the seventeenth century that they did so, decades after the English and the Dutch entered into India for commercial purposes.
  • Like all colonial powers of that time, the French came in as traders but had greater aspirations. The French East India Company was founded in 1664.
  • They started meddling in the internal politics of the subcontinent and played their cards to their advantage. Even though they had a few successes in the beginning and were able to establish trading posts, the English ultimately ended up as the supreme power in the Indian subcontinent.
  • The French were left with a few disparate colonies, all of which combined were called French India. These places were Pondicherry, Mahe, Yanam, Karaikal and Chandannagar.
  • During the Indian freedom struggle against the British, many freedom fighters, such as Aurobindo Ghosh and Subramanya Bharathi took refuge in French India to escape from the British.
  • In 1947, France established diplomatic relations with an independent India.
  • In 1948, an agreement was signed between both countries that stated that the people of French India were free to choose their political future.
  • In August 1962, as per the Treaty of Cession signed in 1956, the French ceded all their possessions in India to the Indian government. Accordingly, all the former French colonies were administered as the Union Territory of Puducherry.

Trade and Commerce:

France has emerged as a key trading partner for India, with annual trade reaching $12.42 billion in 2021-22. It ranks 11th in foreign investment in India, contributing $10.31 billion. The economic collaboration between the two countries spans various sectors.

Defense Cooperation:

France has become India's second-largest defense supplier. Notable defense collaborations include the induction of French Scorpene submarines and the procurement of 36 Rafale fighter jets by the Indian Air Force. The defense ties are further strengthened through joint military exercises and robust military-to-military engagement.

Climate Change Initiatives:

India and France collaborate closely on climate change initiatives. They played a pivotal role in launching the International Solar Alliance in 2015. Recently, they signed a Road Map on Green Hydrogen, aiming to establish a reliable and sustainable value chain for a global supply of decarbonized hydrogen.

Indo-Pacific Engagement:

The two countries have jointly developed the "Joint Strategic Vision of India-France Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region" and engage in joint naval exercises. They have also formed a trilateral grouping with the United Arab Emirates to ensure security in the region.

Importance of Visit:

Prime Minister Modi's visit is expected to witness agreements or announcements related to defense acquisitions, such as Rafale-M fighters for the Indian Navy and co-production of Scorpene submarines. These deals with France often come with fewer conditions and greater predictability compared to deals with other countries.

Strategic Autonomy and Multipolar World:

Both India and France value their strategic autonomy and pursue independence in their foreign policies. They also seek a multipolar world order while acknowledging the importance of the United States in the global context.

Geopolitical Significance:

The visit comes at a time when there is an increasing European awareness of India's strategic importance. It provides an opportunity for the Prime Minister to understand the French and European assessment of geopolitical changes and prepare for consensus-building at the upcoming G20 summit.


The visit of Prime Minister Modi to France strengthens the longstanding partnership between the two countries. It opens avenues for cooperation in trade, defense, climate change, and Indo-Pacific engagement. The visit also reinforces India's presence in the region and its commitment to a multipolar world order.

Probable Question for UPSC Mains Exam

  1. How has the strategic partnership between India and France strengthened defense cooperation and impacted India's defense capabilities? Analyze the significance of defense acquisitions, including Rafale fighters and Scorpene submarines, from France. (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. Evaluate the role of India and France in combating climate change and promoting sustainability. Discuss the initiatives taken by both countries, such as the International Solar Alliance and the Road Map on Green Hydrogen, and their potential for further collaboration in establishing a sustainable global value chain for clean energy. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source – The Hindu