India's Role in Multilateral Development Banks: Shaping Global Progress : Daily News Analysis

Date : 16/10/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 2 – International Relations – International Institutions

Keywords – ADB, MDB, MICs, LICs


The G20 expert group, headed by Lawrence Summers (former US treasury secretary) and NK Singh (chair of the 15th Finance Commission), has outlined a roadmap in their report titled "The Triple Agenda: A Roadmap for Better, Bolder, and Bigger MDBs." This roadmap aims to improve the performance of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) significantly by 2030. The group has proposed various measures for enhancing MDBs' effectiveness.

Multilateral Development Banks

MDBs, or Multilateral Development Banks, are international financial institutions established by multiple member countries and governed by international law. Examples include the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Asian Development Bank. These institutions have several objectives, including stabilizing the global financial system during crises, providing long-term and lower-cost financing, and supporting development projects.

Role of MDBs in Global Stability and Development

Funding Development Projects:

  • MDBs support significant projects such as ADB's backing of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and World Bank's assistance in developing National Waterway 1 on the Ganges River.

Crisis Management:

  • World Bank provided essential support to India during the COVID-19 pandemic, showcasing their role in crisis management.

Supporting the Implementation of the SDGs:

  • World Bank offered grants for education and healthcare programs like the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and National Rural Health Mission, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals.

Policy Advice and Capacity Building:

  • MDBs, including the IMF, provide policy advice and technical assistance, aiding countries like Sri Lanka and Pakistan in macroeconomic policy development.

Providing Concessional Finance and Grants:

  • MDBs offer concessional finance and grants to Low-Income Countries (LICs) and Fragile Conflict-affected States (FCS) to address their development challenges.

Promoting Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity:

  • MDBs assist Middle-Income Countries (MICs) in reducing inequalities and enhancing access to essential services.

Despite their significant role, MDBs face various challenges that require attention and resolution.

Challenges in Reforming MDBs

Adapting to Global Challenges:

  • MDBs face the challenge of adapting swiftly to address emerging global issues such as pandemics and conflicts, necessitating rapid responses to changing circumstances.

Resource Constraints:

  • Limited funding poses a challenge for MDBs, particularly concerning growing demands, notably in climate change and infrastructure development.

Mobilizing Private Sector:

  • Attracting private sector investments remains a struggle for MDBs, requiring efforts in risk mitigation and incentive creation.

Addressing Climate Change:

  • MDBs need to incorporate climate considerations into their policies, strategies, and project financing to promote sustainable development.

Dominance by Developed Countries:

  • Current MDBs, including the World Bank (dominated by the USA), IMF (dominated by the EU), and ADB (dominated by Japan), face issues of imposing loan conditions and lack transparency and accountability due to this dominance.

Recommended Steps for Better MDB Functioning

MDB Operating Models:

  • Implement multi-year country programs, speed up project approval processes, collaborate on regional and global approaches, simplify rules, and redesign policy and institutional support delivery.

Scaling Up Financing:

  • Triple lending volumes to $390 billion by 2030, increase private capital mobilization, expand the use of guarantees, and provide automatic liquidity in disaster situations.

Building on Comparative Advantages:

  • Focus on areas with strong economic returns, offer policy advice, invest in institutional capacity, and engage in local consultation.

Expanding Financial Capacity:

  • Explore balance sheet optimization, implement pooled portfolio guarantees, consider hybrid capital, and introduce a Global Challenges Funding Mechanism (GCFM) to attract investors.

Tripling Concessional Finance:

  • Pledge more donor contributions to the International Development Association (IDA) and aim for at least a tripling of IDA contributions by 2030.

Enhancing Private Sector Engagement:

  • Follow the cascade principle, strengthen engagement by empowering the private sector where feasible.

Managing and Allocating Risk:

  • Partner with governments to mitigate risk, enhance transparency in databases, offer sovereign and project guarantees, empower the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and systematically support local currency risk management. Additionally, include disaster and pandemic contingency clauses in debt contracts.

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs):

  • Simplify Loan Conditions: Streamline loan requirements to suit diverse country contexts, reducing complexities.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration: Foster partnerships with governments, civil society, and private sectors for informed decision-making.
  • Local Capacity Investment: Focus on building local skills for sustainable project management and development.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Improve decision transparency and clarify loan terms to enhance accountability.

India's Significance:

India holds a substantial influence in shaping the reforms of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) due to its role as a significant borrower and supporter spanning various sectors. As a beneficiary of MDB assistance, India receives vital support across diverse areas, bolstering its development initiatives and contributing to overall progress. Furthermore, India assumes an active contributor role within MDB governance structures, ensuring their effective functioning. Through its multifaceted engagement, India not only benefits from MDBs but also actively shapes their policies and operations, underscoring its pivotal position in the global development landscape.


The imperative to reform Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) stands as a cornerstone in the pursuit of global welfare and sustainable development. In this transformative journey, inclusive and participatory efforts, engaging a wide spectrum of stakeholders, emerge as the bedrock of meaningful change. Among these stakeholders, India occupies a central position, wielding substantial influence and offering invaluable insights. Its active and engaged role in shaping these reforms is nothing short of pivotal, particularly in the context of the development challenges faced by the Global South. By actively participating in the reformative processes, India contributes significantly to making MDBs more pertinent and impactful entities. This proactive involvement not only benefits India but also has far-reaching implications for the broader global community, underscoring the critical importance of collaborative, cooperative endeavors in shaping a more equitable and prosperous world.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam

  1. "Discuss the challenges faced by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in the 21st century and outline the proposed reforms from the G20 expert group. Explain the significance of India's involvement in these reforms, considering its role as both a beneficiary and contributor to MDBs." (10 marks, 150 words)
  2. "Examine the strategies proposed in the G20 expert group report to enhance Multilateral Development Banks' functioning. Analyze how these reforms address challenges such as resource constraints, private sector engagement, and climate change. How can India's participation amplify the impact of these reforms for the global South?" (15 marks, 250 words)

Source – The Hindu Business Line