Pakistan's Political Crisis and Its Potential Impact on India : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 13/05/2023

Relevance: GS-2: India and its Neighbourhood- relations

Key Phrases: Cross-Border Tensions, Compromised Regional Security, Diplomatic Channels, ASEAN nations, long-standing issues, Nationalistic sentiments, Soft Power and Cultural Exchange.

Why in News?

  • Former Prime Minister Imran Khan's arrest triggered protests across Pakistan, leading to a political crisis.
  • Imran Khan and his PTI party have been challenging the government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif since being ousted from office.
  • Khan's clashes with Pakistan's military have further complicated the political landscape.
  • Economic crises and natural disasters have contributed to the unpopularity of Sharif's government.

Reasons behind Imran Khan's Arrest:

  • Khan was arrested on corruption charges related to a money laundering case involving a prominent real estate figure.
  • The arrest sparked widespread protests, resulting in casualties and arrests.
  • Protestors targeted military properties, which further intensified the situation.

Current Developments in Pakistan:

  • Imran Khan and senior leaders of his party are being questioned by the National Accountability Bureau.
  • The army has been deployed to stabilize the domestic situation, but a long-term solution to address grievances is uncertain.

Implications for Pakistan's Politics:

  • Some experts believe this crisis could be a turning point in the country's politics.
  • The military's open confrontation with a popular national politician has drawn criticism.
  • Prime Minister Sharif's absence during the crisis may impact his approval ratings.

Challenges For India:

  • Escalation of Cross-Border Tensions:
    • The political crisis may lead to a rise in cross-border tensions, particularly along the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir.
    • Pakistan-based militant groups may exploit the internal instability to carry out attacks in India, posing security challenges.
  • Compromised Regional Security:
    • Instability in Pakistan could undermine regional security dynamics and intensify existing conflicts, such as those related to Kashmir.
    • The crisis may divert Pakistan's attention from counterterrorism efforts, potentially enabling terrorist groups to operate more freely.
  • Impacts on Peace Process:
    • The political crisis could disrupt any existing peace processes or dialogues between India and Pakistan, hindering efforts to resolve long-standing issues.
    • Nationalistic sentiments and public pressure in India may reduce the government's flexibility in engaging with Pakistan constructively.

Opportunities For India:

  • Diplomatic Leverage:
    • Pakistan's internal turmoil may provide India with an opportunity to strengthen its diplomatic position on matters concerning regional security.
    • India can leverage Pakistan's crisis to highlight concerns about cross-border terrorism and promote international pressure on Pakistan to address these issues.
  • Counterterrorism Cooperation:
    • International partners may be more willing to collaborate with India in combating terrorism emanating from Pakistan, recognizing the urgency to address shared security threats.
    • Enhanced intelligence sharing and cooperation could aid in curbing cross-border infiltration and preventing terrorist activities.
  • Regional Power Projection:
    • India can demonstrate its ability to maintain stability and handle regional challenges effectively, contrasting with the internal strife faced by Pakistan.
    • Strengthening regional alliances and partnerships, particularly with countries in South Asia and the Middle East, could enhance India's position as a responsible regional power.

Possible Strategies for India to Navigate Pakistan's Political Crisis:

  • Maintain Diplomatic Channels:
    • India should continue to engage in diplomatic dialogue with Pakistan, even during times of political crisis, to ensure open lines of communication and prevent misunderstandings.
    • Consistent diplomatic efforts can help de-escalate tensions and promote stability in the region.
  • Strengthen Regional Alliances:
    • India should strengthen its alliances with neighboring countries and regional powers to counter any potential negative impacts of Pakistan's political crisis.
    • Collaborating with countries like the United States, Japan, and ASEAN nations can provide support and influence in the region.
  • Focus on Economic Development:
    • Emphasize economic growth and development within India to consolidate its position as a regional economic powerhouse.
    • Strengthening domestic economic sectors and attracting foreign investments will enhance India's influence and resilience in the face of regional instability.
  • Promote Soft Power and Cultural Exchange:
    • Utilize soft power tools such as cultural exchange programs, people-to-people interactions, and educational initiatives to foster goodwill and understanding between the peoples of India and Pakistan.
    • Promoting cultural ties can help bridge divides and create a conducive environment for dialogue and cooperation.
  • Vigilance on Security Issues:
    • Strengthen border security measures to mitigate potential security challenges arising from Pakistan's political crisis.
    • Maintain a robust intelligence network to monitor and respond to any security threats or cross-border activities.
  • Emphasize Regional Connectivity:
    • Prioritize regional connectivity initiatives, such as infrastructure projects, transport networks, and energy collaborations, to enhance regional integration.
    • Initiatives like the Chabahar Port project, the International North-South Transport Corridor, and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) can foster economic cooperation and reduce regional tensions.
  • International Engagement:
    • Engage with the international community, including multilateral forums like the United Nations, to highlight concerns and seek support for regional stability.
    • Collaborate with like-minded countries to address shared challenges and promote a coordinated approach towards addressing issues related to Pakistan's political crisis.
  • Track-II Diplomacy and Civil Society Engagement:
    • Encourage people-to-people exchanges, cultural dialogues, and track-II diplomacy initiatives to foster understanding and trust between India and Pakistan.
    • Engage with civil society organizations, academia, and non-governmental actors to facilitate dialogue and promote peaceful resolutions.


  • Pakistan's political crisis poses challenges and opportunities for India in terms of regional security and bilateral relations.
  • While the crisis may escalate cross-border tensions and compromise regional stability, it also provides India with diplomatic leverage, opportunities for counterterrorism cooperation, and a chance to engage in constructive dialogue.
  • India must carefully navigate these dynamics, balancing its security concerns with the pursuit of regional stability and the resolution of long-standing disputes.

Source: Live-Mint 

Mains Question:

Q. Assess the potential implications of Pakistan's political crisis on India. Examine the challenges and opportunities it presents for India in terms of regional security and bilateral relations. (250 Words).