Revitalizing India's Cotton Industry: Challenges and Strategies : Daily News Analysis

Date : 13/09/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 3 – Indian Economy

Keywords – Crop yield, pink bollworm (PBW), Bt Cotton, Mating Disruption Technique

Context –

Cotton stands as a crucial cash crop in India, contributing significantly to global cotton production, making up approximately 25% of the total output. Nevertheless, concerning trends in recent data indicate declining production and yields, raising cause for concern.

India's textile exports not on the way : Daily Current Affairs ...

About the Cotton crop

  • Much like coconut, cotton serves as a versatile resource, contributing to the three key areas: Food, Feed, and Fibre.
  • Cotton cultivation yields a soft, fluffy, and durable fiber, which finds extensive use in the textile industry.
  • In India, cotton holds a paramount position as a cash crop, exerting a pivotal influence on both the industrial and agricultural sectors.
  • Cotton farming in India directly sustains the livelihoods of approximately 6 million farmers and, through its various associated activities like trade and processing, indirectly supports a workforce of about 40-50 million people.

Production and Consumption of Cotton in India


  • The raw, un-ginned cotton harvested by farmers, known as kapas, contains only approximately 36% of the white, fluffy fiber or lint.
  • The remaining components, comprising 62% seed and 2% waste, are separated from the lint during the ginning process. Cotton seeds are a valuable source of oil, with a 13% oil content used for culinary purposes, such as cooking and frying.
  • The residue, accounting for 85% of the total after oil extraction from the seeds, along with an additional 2% lost during processing, forms a protein-rich feed ingredient suitable for livestock and poultry.

Key Facts about Cotton Production:

  • Cotton is a Kharif crop with a maturation period of 6 to 8 months.
  • It is a drought-resistant crop suitable for arid climates.
  • Cotton cultivation occupies approximately 2.1% of the world's arable land and fulfills 27% of the global demand for textiles.
  • Cotton thrives in temperatures ranging from 21°C to 30°C.
  • Adequate rainfall of around 50-100 cm is conducive to cotton growth.
  • The ideal soil type for cotton is well-drained black cotton soil, known as Regur Soil (e.g., soil found in the Deccan Plateau).
  • Cotton yields three primary products: fiber, oil, and animal feed.
  • The top cotton-producing countries are India, followed by China and the USA.
  • In India, the leading cotton-producing states are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
  • There are four cultivated species of cotton: Gossypium arboreum, Gossypium herbaceum, Gossypium hirsutum, and Gossypium barbadense.
  • Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium herbaceum are referred to as old-world cotton or Asiatic cotton.
  • Gossypium hirsutum is known as American cotton or upland cotton, while Gossypium barbadense is recognized as Egyptian cotton. These two are new world cotton species.
  • Hybrid cotton is created by crossbreeding two parent strains with different genetic characteristics. Hybrids can occur naturally when open-pollinated plants cross-pollinate with related varieties.
  • Bt Cotton is a genetically modified pest-resistant variety of cotton.


Cotton holds a significant share, constituting roughly two-thirds of India's total textile fiber consumption.

  • Cottonseed, although less recognized, ranks as the country's third-largest domestically-produced vegetable oil, trailing only mustard and soybean. Additionally, it stands as the second most substantial feed cake/meal source, following soybean.

The Evolution of Bt Cotton

  • Bt cotton is a genetically modified variety infused with the Bt gene, designed to shield cotton plants from the destructive bollworm, a prominent cotton pest.
  • Starting in 2002, Indian farmers embraced the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) cotton hybrids incorporating genes derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a soil bacterium.
  • Over the span of 2000-01 to 2013-14, India witnessed a remarkable surge in cotton production, with lint output nearly tripling from 140 lakh to 398 lakh bales, each weighing 170 kg. Concurrently, the production of cottonseed oil and cake also witnessed substantial growth, reaching nearly 1.5 million tonnes and 4.5 million tonnes, respectively.
  • With Bt hybrids dominating the cotton cultivation landscape, covering up to 95% of the total cotton-growing area, average per-hectare lint yields experienced a significant boost. Lint yields more than doubled, surging from 278 kg per hectare in 2000-01 to 566 kg per hectare in 2013-14.
  • However, recent data paints a different picture, revealing a decline in both cotton production and yields in recent years.

Factors responsible for declining crop yield

The decline in cotton crop yield can be attributed primarily to the presence of the Pectinophora gossypiella, commonly known as the pink bollworm (PBW). Originally, Bt cotton was engineered to protect against both the Helicoverpa caterpillar and PBW, both of which infest the cotton bolls where lint and seeds develop.

While Bt cotton has remained effective against the American bollworm, an unusual occurrence was observed in 2014. An unusually high survival rate of PBW larvae was noted on cotton flowers approximately 60-70 days after planting in Gujarat. Subsequently, in the 2015 season, PBW survival reports emerged from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Maharashtra. Surprisingly, in 2021, regions like Punjab, Haryana, and northern Rajasthan experienced heavy infestations of this pest for the first time.

The spread of PBW infestations has been a concerning development. Previously, PBW was not considered a severe threat and typically appeared in the later stages of the crop, usually after the first harvest, primarily in central and southern India. However, the infestation pattern has shifted, with PBW now making an appearance as early as 40-45 days after planting, coinciding with the initiation of flowering.

One critical factor contributing to PBW's resistance to Bt proteins is its monophagous nature, meaning it primarily feeds on cotton. This is in contrast to the polyphagous Helicoverpa, which has a wide range of alternative hosts, including pigeon pea, sorghum, maize, tomato, chickpea, and cowpea. The continuous cultivation of Bt cotton by farmers, alongside the decline of non-Bt cotton, allowed the PBW population to develop resistance to Bt proteins over time. As a result, resistant PBW variants gradually replaced susceptible ones, posing a significant challenge to cotton cultivation.

Efforts to Combat Pest Infestations

Traditional Insecticide Spraying Approach

  • The conventional method of using insecticides for pest control has shown limited effectiveness in managing the pink bollworm (PBW) larvae. These larvae feed on cotton bolls, squares (buds), and delicate flowers, negatively impacting lint quality and overall yields.

Mating Disruption Technique

  • An alternative approach involves employing a pheromone-based method known as mating disruption. This technique utilizes Gossyplure, a synthetic version of the pheromone released by female PBW moths to attract male counterparts. In this process, the artificial pheromone is synthesized and placed in pipes or lures.
  • The Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee, operating under the Agriculture Ministry, has given its approval for Project Bandhan. This project represents a noteworthy initiative aimed at promoting an integrated pest management (IPM) system for cotton production that relies on pheromones. Within this framework, two mating disruption products, PBKnot and SPLAT, have received approval for effectively controlling PBW.
  • The innovative PB Knot pheromone technology is user-friendly, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, offering a practical solution for PBW management. Additionally, SPLAT-PBW utilizes a flowable emulsion formulation to deliver Gossyplure efficiently.

Government Initiatives for Cotton Industry –

The Indian government has implemented a range of policy initiatives and programs aimed at supporting the cotton sector and encouraging cotton-spinning millers in the country. These efforts include significant reforms introduced as part of a Special Package. Some of the key government initiatives and schemes in this regard are:

  1. Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS): The government has introduced the ATUFS to facilitate the modernization and upgradation of technology in the textile industry. This scheme provides financial incentives and support to textile manufacturers for adopting advanced machinery and technology.
  2. Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme: Under this scheme, the government offers rebates on state and central taxes and levies that are integrated into production costs. It also provides assistance to exporters in accessing international markets, thus promoting cotton and textile exports.
  3. Schemes like SAMARTH: The SAMARTH scheme, which stands for 'Scheme for Capacity Building in the Textile Sector,' aims to address the shortage of skilled workers in the textile industry. It has a target of training 10 lakh (1 million) individuals, equipping them with the necessary skills to contribute effectively to the sector.
  4. Mega Investment Textiles Parks (MITRA): In the Union Budget for 2021-22, the government launched the MITRA initiative. This program aims to establish seven textile parks over a three-year period, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities for the textile and cotton industry.
  5. Efforts by Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI): The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), a prominent industry chamber in the textile sector, is actively involved in improving cotton production sustainably. CITI is working across 1700 villages in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra, collaborating with approximately 90,000 farmers to enhance yield and cotton production through sustainable practices.

These government initiatives and collaborations are designed to bolster the cotton sector, enhance productivity, and support cotton-spinning mills in India.

The Way Forward

Integration of Innovative Technologies

  • Although Bt technology significantly boosted cotton production in the early 2000s, the gains in yield have been somewhat offset by the emergence of dominant pests, notably the pink bollworm (PBW). This pest threat has even dissuaded farmers in states like Punjab from cultivating cotton. This underscores the critical importance of embracing new technologies, whether they are genetically modified (GM) approaches, next-generation insecticides, or mating disruption techniques, to ensure the continued cultivation of this versatile crop that provides fiber, food, and feed.

Transitioning Cropping Practices:

  • The cotton cropping system needs a gradual shift towards the High-Density Planting System (HDPS). HDPS represents an innovative approach that involves accommodating a higher number of plants per unit area, supported by technological advancements in weed control, defoliation, and mechanical harvesting.
  • This new cropping system necessitates a complete shift from hybrid to varietal seeds, complemented by modern technologies for machine-based sowing, effective weed management, efficient defoliation, and mechanical harvesting. Currently, farmers employ bushy, long-duration hybrid cotton seeds with wider spacing and dibbling patterns, resulting in fewer plants per acre and a harvesting period spanning 180 to 280 days.

Evidenced-Based Policy Implementation:

  • The prevailing government policy framework concerning cotton must evolve towards progressive, evidence-based policies. These policies should encompass aspects like seed pricing and the protection of intellectual property rights. This includes safeguarding biotech traits under the Indian Patent Act and ensuring the rights of breeders and farmers under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act (PPVFRA).
  • It is imperative to reinforce the enforcement of intellectual property rights for new varieties suitable for HDPS while upholding the rights of farmers. Such measures can attract investments in research and development (R&D) and the breeding of genotypes suited for high-density planting.

Strengthening Market Connections:

  • Enhancing market linkages is vital to secure better prices for cotton produced by farmers. The government can facilitate this by establishing a robust procurement system for cotton, creating funds for price stabilization, and introducing mechanisms for grading and standardizing cotton.

Boosting Value Addition:

  • Promoting value addition within the cotton sector can elevate income levels and generate employment opportunities. This can be achieved by encouraging the production of cotton-based goods such as textiles, apparel, and home furnishings.

Upgrading Infrastructure:

  • The government's focus should extend to improving infrastructure in cotton-growing regions. Building better roads, irrigation facilities, and storage infrastructure can facilitate farmers' access to markets, transportation of their produce, and the ability to store cotton until favorable pricing conditions emerge.


Cotton stands as a paramount fiber crop in India, given its diverse applications across various sectors. The declining production of cotton is a matter of significant concern, particularly for the textile industry. Therefore, it necessitates immediate and concerted efforts from the government to address this pressing issue.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam –

  1. In light of the declining cotton production and the challenges posed by pests like the pink bollworm, discuss the significance of innovative technologies such as mating disruption in sustaining India's cotton cultivation. Evaluate the impact of these technologies on cotton yields and their potential to address the current issues in the cotton industry. (10 marks, 150 words)
  2. Cotton plays a pivotal role in India's economy, particularly in the textile sector. Analyze the multifaceted importance of cotton, considering its contributions to food, feed, and fiber. Assess the recent trends in cotton production and elucidate the measures needed to revive and promote sustainable cotton farming in the country, taking into account the emerging challenges. (15 marks, 250 words)

Source – Indian Express