Small Satellite Launch Vehicle : Daily Current Affairs

Relevance: GS-3: Science and Technology- developments

Key phrases: SSLV, PSLV, GSLV, Sun Synchronous Orbit, LEO, ISRO

Why in News?

  • As per Union Minister of Science ,the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is developing a Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) with private participation and it will be launched in the first quarter of 2022.

What is the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle?

  • SSLV is a three-stage all solid vehicle and has a capability to launch up to 500 kg satellite mass into 500 km low earth orbit (LEO) and 300 kg to Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO).
  • The key features of SSLV are Low cost, with low turn-around time, flexibility in accommodating multiple satellites, Launch on demand feasibility, minimal launch infrastructure requirements, etc.

Why is ISRO developing the SSLV?


  • To realize a cost-effective launch vehicle with high launch frequency and quick turnaround capability in order to cater to the growing opportunity in the global launch services market for small satellites
  • It will have the option of multiple satellite mounting options for Nano, micro and small satellites with the capability to launch up to 500kg of satellite mass,.
  • It would be an innovative vehicle that can be assembled in just 72 hours.
  • Instead of 60 days (for building a PSLV), it (SSLV) will be assembled in three days; instead of 600 people (needed to build a PSLV), it (SSLV) will be done by six people.
  • World over there is a big boom for small launch vehicles.

Launch Vehicle of ISRO:

Launch Vehicles are used to carry spacecraft to space. India has two operational launchers:

  • Satellite Launch Vehicle-3 (SLV-3) was India's first experimental satellite launch vehicle, which was an all solid, four stage vehicle weighing 17 tonnes with a height of 22m and capable of placing 40 kg class payloads inLow Earth Orbit (LEO)
  • The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV) Programme was designed to augment the payload capacity to 150 kg, thrice that of SLV-3, for Low Earth Orbits (LEO). Under the ASLV programme four developmental flights were conducted. The first developmental flight took place on March 24, 1987 and the second on July 13, 1988.
  • Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is the third generation launch vehicle of India. It is the first Indian launch vehicle to be equipped with liquid stages. After its first successful launch in October 1994, PSLV emerged as the reliable and versatile workhorse launch vehicle of India with 39 consecutively successful missions by June 2017. During 1994-2017 period, the vehicle has launched 48 Indian satellites and 209 satellites for customers from abroad.
  • Besides, the vehicle successfully launched two spacecraft – Chandrayaan-1 in 2008 and Mars Orbiter Spacecraft in 2013 – that later travelled to Moon and Mars respectively.
  • Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark II (GSLV Mk II) is the largest launch vehicle developed by India, which is currently in operation. This fourth generation launch vehicle is a three stage vehicle with four liquid strap-ons. The indigenously developed cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS), which is flight proven, forms the third stage of GSLV Mk II. From January 2014, the vehicle has achieved four consecutive successes.

Advantages of Small Satellite Launch Vehicle:

  • Reduced Turn-around Time
  • Launch on Demand
  • Cost Optimization for Realization and Operation
  • Flexibility in accommodating Multiple Satellites
  • Minimum launch infrastructure requirements
  • Heritage of proven design practises

Source: Business Standard

Mains Question:

Q. ISRO holds that SSLV would be an innovative vehicle that can be assembled in just 72 hours. In this context explain Small Satellite Launch Vehicle? How does it help ISRO to cater the growing opportunity in the global launch services market for small satellites? Illustrate.