Social Media Challenges in Counter-Terror Operations : Daily News Analysis

Date : 5/12/2023

Relevance: GS Paper 3- Internal Security - Terrorism

Keywords: WhatsApp, 26/11 Mumbai Attacks, National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA), Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), National Cyber Security Policy of 2013


  • The recent counter-terror operation in Rajouri's Kalakote in Jammu and Kashmir, lasting over 24 hours and resulting in casualties, sheds light on the critical issue of social media usage during such operations.
  • While the military community draws lessons from the incident to enhance tactics and planning, this analysis aims to underscore the sensitive implications of social media, particularly WhatsApp, on operational security and public perception.
  • Here we explore the grounds on which the Committee suggests the re-criminalization, look into the legislative history of adultery laws in India, and scrutinize the arguments both for and against this controversial proposal.

Adverse Fallouts of Social Media Usage

Terror Outfits' Exploitation of Social Media

  • Terrorist organizations routinely exploit social media for misinformation dissemination and recruitment.
  • However, the use of social media by the general public during counter-terror operations presents a different set of challenges. While social media proves beneficial in natural disasters for real-time information dissemination, its use during sensitive military operations can be counterproductive.

Irresponsible Spread of Information

  • One of the adverse fallouts observed in the Kalakote incident was the irresponsible spread of unverified information on WhatsApp. Messages circulating during the ongoing operation included specific details of the gunfight, such as unit names, operational locations, and casualties among Indian troops.
  • This real-time, unofficial information violates norms of operational secrecy, jeopardizing the security of the forces involved.

Compromising Operational Security

  • The dissemination of specific details during an ongoing counter-terror operation compromises operational security by revealing tactics, unit mobilization, and troop numbers.
  • This information provides adversaries with insights into the military's operational plan, enabling them to adapt and strategize in response to real-time updates.

Potential for Panic and Public Unrest

  • Unverified social media updates can create panic among the public, hindering authorities' ability to manage the situation effectively.
  • Exaggerated accounts of losses during a terror strike may incite public anger, potentially instigated by sympathizers of terrorists.
  • The uninformed reactions of the public can further complicate an already challenging operational environment.

Impact on Security Forces' Morale

  • Inaccurate social media updates may negatively impact the morale of security forces and provide fodder for adversary propaganda.
  • Misinformation about the extent of losses suffered by security forces can have psychological repercussions, influencing both public sentiment and the resolve of the forces involved.

The strain on Soldiers' Families

  • The proliferation of irresponsible messages on social media adversely affects the families of soldiers engaged in operations.
  • Military protocol dictates that the next of kin be informed through official channels, ensuring due verification for authenticity. Learning about a loved one's demise through social media before official communication from the army authorities undermines the dignity and military ethos surrounding such notifications.

Precedence and Counter Measures

Lessons from the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks

  • Drawing from the experiences of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, where terrorists adapted their actions based on real-time media coverage, it becomes evident that controlling information flow is more challenging in the era of social media.
  • The immediacy and reach of platforms like WhatsApp and X (formerly Twitter) necessitate a proactive approach to counter the potential pitfalls of unverified information during critical events.
  • The debate hinges on whether the state has a legitimate role in regulating the private affairs of couples.

Military's Reliance on Social Media

  • Acknowledging the widespread usage of social media within the military community for routine functioning, it is essential to recognize the mirror image relationship between the military and civil society.
  • However, this interconnection requires a nuanced understanding to ensure responsible usage, particularly during sensitive operations.

New Normal: Information Leaks

  • Military planners must consider information leaks through social media as the new normal. Proactive measures should be implemented to mitigate adverse fallouts, emphasizing the need to sensitize personnel to prevent information pilferage.
  • Furthermore, there is a pressing requirement to decentralize information management structures, enhancing responsiveness to counter the ill effects of half-baked messages during critical times.

Mitigating Adverse Fallouts

The utilization of the internet and social media has become a potent tool for non-state actors, including terrorist organizations. The likes of ISIS employ online platforms for global youth recruitment, while instances like the Stuxnet virus underscore the significance of cyber warfare.

Cyber espionage poses a substantial threat, exemplified by incidents like the large-scale theft of ATM card data in India. Social media is also misused for radicalization, as seen in cases like the Muzaffarnagar riots in Uttar Pradesh. To address these challenges, effective strategies are essential:

  • India's appointment of its first Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is a step towards developing a comprehensive vision and policy for combating cybercrime and enhancing cybersecurity.
  • Establishing a National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) would bolster India's resilience and defense against cyber threats.
  • Intelligence agencies such as the Intelligence Bureau and RAW should monitor internet content to prevent the radicalization of youth.
  • The National Cyber Security Policy of 2013 focuses on safeguarding information infrastructure and reducing vulnerabilities. The creation of the National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC) facilitates a 24x7 mechanism to address cyber threats.
  • The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) serves as the nodal agency for coordinating crisis management efforts, contributing to a more organized response to cyber threats.

Way Forwards

  • Sensitizing Personnel: Conduct regular training sessions to educate military personnel about the risks associated with irresponsible social media usage and the importance of operational security.
  • Proactive Information Management: Implementing proactive information management strategies to fill potential information voids, reducing the space for disinformation to thrive.
  • Decentralization of Information Structures: Introducing a decentralized information management structure to enhance responsiveness, preventing the spread of unverified information and minimizing the impact of irresponsible messaging.


The Kalakote incident highlights the imperative need for a comprehensive analysis of social media challenges in counter-terror operations. Balancing the advantages of real-time information dissemination during natural disasters with the risks posed during sensitive military operations is crucial. By learning from past experiences, acknowledging the new normal of information leaks, and implementing proactive measures, military planners can navigate the complex terrain of social media to safeguard operational security and public perception. This approach ensures that the military ethos is upheld, and the families of soldiers involved in operations are treated with the dignity they deserve.

Probable Questions for UPSC mains Exam-

  1. How did the irresponsible spread of unverified information on WhatsApp during the Kalakote incident impact the operational security of the counter-terror operation? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. What are the potential adverse consequences of social media usage, particularly on WhatsApp, during sensitive military operations, as highlighted in the analysis? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source- IDSA