(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Weekly Magazine - February 2019 (Issue - 2)

(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Weekly Magazine - February 2019 (Issue - 2)

Month: February 2019

Issue: 2nd

Price: FREE!

File Type: PDF

File Size: 10.2 MB

Publisher : Dhyeya IAS

:: Table of Contents ::

Seven Important Issues:

  • Universal Basic Income: Is a Panacea to India's Poor
  • MGNREGA: Journey So Far
  • EVM-Style Voting: Abandonment vs Acknowledgment
  • Indus Water Treaty: Most Generous Water Sharing Pact
  • India-South Africa towards Deeper Cooperation
  • EI Nino in the 21st Century
  • Nitrogen Pollution is Spreading its Grip

Seven Subjective Questions with Model Answers

Seven Important National & International News

Seven Brain Boosters & Seven MCQ's Based on Them

Seven Important Facts For Prelims

Seven Important Index

Seven Practice Questions for Main Exam

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