(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Weekly Magazine - July 2019 (Issue - 3)

(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Weekly Magazine - July 2019 (Issue - 3)

Month: July 2019

Issue: 3rd

Price: FREE!

File Type: PDF

File Size: 8.71 MB

Publisher : Dhyeya IAS

:: Table of Contents ::

Seven Important Issues:

  1. Private Investment : Driver of Growth, Jobs, Exports and Demand
  2. Leveraging The Behavioural Economics of 'nudge'
  3. Data "of The People, by The People, for The People"
  4. Impact of Policy Uncertainty on Investment
  5. Swachh Bharat to Sunder Bharat via Swasth Bharat
  6. Inclusive Growth via Affordable, Reliable & Sustainable Energy
  7. Redesigning A Minimum Wage System for Inclusive Growth

Seven Important National & International News

Seven Brain Boosters & Seven MCQ's Based on Them

Seven Important Facts For Prelims

Seven Important Highlights From PIB

Seven Important Concepts Through Graphics

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